
This page is intended to increase the visibility of projects funded by the European Union and AMIF in Germany. In future, the page will include information, reports and coverage of (best-practice) projects as well as a list and an interactive world map of funded projects.

The purpose of the AMIF in Germany is to contribute to the efficient management of migration flows (movements) in accordance with applicable EU law in the European Union in the field of asylum and migration and in line with the European Union's fundamental rights obligations.

For this reason, the AMIF in Germany funds projects in the funding priority areas of asylum, legal migration, integration, return and countering irregular migration, as well as solidarity between Member States.

AMIF 2021-2027 not only aims to fund projects, but also to increase the visibility of the projects. Two aspects are of particular importance here:

  • Increasing public awareness of which projects in Germany contribute to migration management through European Union or AMIF funding in Germany.
  • Improved information for executing agencies and the public about which project ideas can receive funding from the AMIF.

To increase the visibility of AMIF projects in the funding period 2021-2027, this page will include information, reports and coverage of (best-practice) projects, as well as a list and map of funded projects.