Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union , Date: 2022.09.29, format: Article, Area: Funding

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Respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in accordance with Articles 15 and 73 in conjunction with Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 is a prerequisite for the provision of funds from the AMIF when planning and implementing AMIF measures. All measures funded by the AMIF must be selected and implemented in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1147 , taking into account gender equality and gender mainstreaming and respecting the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular non-discrimination (Article 21). Violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights can, under certain circumstances, lead to the suspension of payments by the European Union.

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR) sets out the personal, civic, political, economic and social rights and freedoms of people living in the European Union. It is directly legally binding for the EU institutions and bodies as well as for national authorities when implementing EU law. In Germany, many of the fundamental rights contained in the Charter are enshrined in the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) and enforced by the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).

  1. Dignity
  2. Freedoms
  3. Equality
  4. Solidarity
  5. Citizen’s Rights
  6. Justice

The AMIF Managing Authority obliges the beneficiaries of AMIF funding to comply with the Charter in their respective areas of responsibility. The obligation includes in particular respect for equality before the law (Article 20 CFR), equality between women and men (Article 23 CFR), non-discrimination (Article 21 CFR), integration of persons with disabilities (Article 26 CFR) as well as environmental protection (Article 37 CFR) and respect for the protection of personal data (Article 8 CFR) in line with the General Data Protection Regulation as fundamental principles and rights under the Charter in all phases and areas of programme implementation.

Please contact the AMIF Managing Authority if you consider that your fundamental rights under the Charter have been violated in connection with the implementation of an AMIF-funded project.

All information will be treated confidentially. Please describe the case as detailed as possible and provide the name of the AMIF measure in which you participated.
Please send your complaint in writing to:

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Referat 92C – AMIF-Verwaltungsbehörde – Grundsatzangelegenheiten
Frankenstr. 210
90461 Nuremberg

or by email to the AMIF Managing Authority.

Please only report cases of potential violations of fundamental rights related to AMIF funding.

Important note: The protection of human rights in Germany is always the responsibility of the courts. In the German legal system, everyone must and can, in principle, assert the violation of their rights in court themselves. Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Basic Law (German: Grundgesetz) guarantees legal recourse for this purpose.

The complaint procedure at the AMIF Managing Authority regarding a potential violation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights exists independently of and in addition to the option of a lawsuit being filed by the complainant. As a rule, only the complainant whose subjective rights have been violated can initiate legal proceedings.

Further Information and Expertise

You can also obtain topic-related information and expertise (depending on the type of violation) from the following offices, among others:

Fundamental Rights in General:

Federal Government Commissioner and Federal Commissioner:

Non-discrimination in General:

Non-discrimination of Persons with Disabilities:

Equality Between Women and Men:

Children's Rights:
