Funding Regulations , Date: 2023.03.15, format: Article

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Funding Directive (German: Förderrichtlinie, FöRL)

The Directive on the Granting of Funding under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027 (Funding Directive, German: Förderrichtlinie, FöRL) is the national legal basis for project funding. The rules and regulations contained herein are legally binding and compliance with them is the basis for the approval of an application for funding.

What are the reporting obligations for funding beneficiaries?

Request for Funds

The disbursal of the approved AMIF funding takes place in electronic form in ITSI and must be requested every six months, unless otherwise stipulated in the funding decision. The disbursal is made upon request substantiating the future need for funds.The amount of the advance payments is limited to 80 percent of the total funding award. The final payment is made after the final audit of the project expenditure by the AMIF Managing Authority.

Please refer to the Call for Proposals and the Funding Guidance (in German) for further details.

Reports on Expenditure of Funds and Performance Review

The European Commission attaches great importance to the proper use of funding and its application. Therefore, all expenses incurred in your project must be accounted for and substantiated in writing. A total of two reports must be submitted. These must consist of a part describing the expenditure (factual report) and a numerical report with a list of receipts verifying the expenditure.
The first interim report on expenditure of funds must be submitted to the AMIF Managing Authority one year after the start of the individual project. It is important to observe the deadline of three months after the end of the respective project year. The final report on expenditure of funds must be submitted to the AMIF managing authority within six months after the end of the project, stating all project objectives achieved and total expenditure.
If a funding beneficiary violates their obligations, the approved funding may be partially or fully revoked or withdrawn.
In addition, the AMIF Managing Authority may carry out so-called operational or financial on-the-spot checks.

Please refer to the Call for Proposals and the Funding Guidance (in German) for further details.


The measurement of programme and project success based on indicators is very important. These indicators are partly prescribed by the European Commission or defined by Germany for specific measures. For this purpose, project executing agencies must regularly submit relevant information and data, which are also part of the scope of the on-site inspections. The regular annual indicator report covers the period 16/10/N-1 to 16/10/N (e.g. 16/10/2014 to 16/10/2015). It is to be submitted by 31 October of each year. The final indicator report covers the period from the last regular annual indicator report until the end of the project. It must be submitted together with the final report on expenditure of funds two months after the end of the project.

Please refer to the Call for Proposals (in German) and the Funding Guidance (in German) for further details.

Public Disclosure Obligation

The European Commission requires that all information and publicity activities (internet presence, printed material, public signage, etc.) addressed to beneficiaries, potential beneficiaries and the public include the following:

  1. The emblem of the European Union (EU flag) without any modification or any other graphic elements or text. The templates to be used for the EU emblem and further general guidance on its use are available here:

    • Official site of the European Union: the European flag / EU emblem including downloads
    • European Commission: use of the EU emblem in relation to EU programmes 2021-2027.
  2. A reference to funding by the EU:

    • ‘Funded by the European Union’ or
    • ‘Co-funded by the European Union’.

Please refer to the Call for Proposals and the Funding Guidance (in German) for further details.

On-the-spot Checks

The AMIF Managing Authority carries out two types of on-the-spot checks at the project executing agency's premises. An operational on-the-spot check, which reviews the achievement of the project objectives and the implementation of the project, and a financial on-the-spot check, which additionally includes an audit of expenditure and reports on expenditure of funds. The on-the-spot checks are carried out on a risk-based sampling basis but can also be carried out on an ad hoc basis. Project executing agencies are informed via ITSI of the date of an on-the-spot check and the documents that need to be provided.

Please refer to the Call for Proposals and the Funding Guidance (in German) for further details.